Drew's Wonderful Magnificent Emporimorium

Lies. All lies.

Poems of Antiquity
Short stories
Nano Novel

* -- denotes soonish
Poems, by subdivision

Kitchen (food, knives, drink)
    • The Sword
    • Girls
    • Momma Cries
    • Papa Says     • Okay, Good

Living Room (life, death, mostly in-betweens)
    • I'm buried under an avalanche
    • The Last Words I Ever Saw
    • Fire and Ice
    • Shush, Hour, Shush

Bathroom (smells, boredom, godliness)
    • A Common Denominator
    • O! Great Satan
    • Gin

Bedroom (girls, dreams, lies, dim-lit smiles)
    • Intermesh
    • A Harvest of Dreams
    • 9 Infinity
    • Two Breasts
    • In the Company of Loki (the Cat)
    • Unglue
    • Ode To Two Lips
    • Libido

Den (abstracts, wood, calculations, eye-pieces)
    • Michel Demire's Trilogy
    • Mr Phister
    • My Cat
    • Ying
    • O! the Persistent Peters of the Planet
    • We Love to Think We Think We Love

Maximum Shadown Length (Topical poems, which are asking to be renamed "For C." ala E.A.Poe & Co., but I don't do everything girls or poems tell me to)
    • Middle-Then
    • The Shadow That Breached Its Limit
    • The Shadow's Dance Is Passing

Like these poems? Just can't get enough of me? Amazed by my talent? Want more? Sure you do. They all do. Well, you're in luck, pal. Or ma'am. Because I have just the thing for you. It's called "Crappy Old Stuff." You can find it in the Attic. Huzzah to the tippa!

P.S. I am not to blame for any sudden acts of nausea, explosive vomiting, heart-throbbing, or loins-chopping-off-of. It is just crappy old stuff. Okay? Okay. Keep your knives and projectile-mouths away from me!

E-mail questions, concerns, and monetary donations to: drewpatty@yahoo.com.
All content copyright Drew Patty 2004